Adding Photos (Older Method: 3rd Party Host)

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Brian F.
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Adding Photos (Older Method: 3rd Party Host)

Post by Brian F. »

Please also check our new feature: ORCA Image Uploading and Posting.

This board requires a third party photo host service, like Picturetrail, Photobucket, etc. to add photos to your posts. Unfortunately, you cannot load photos directly from your computer to the forum. Once your photos are uploaded to the host service, copy the url address of the photo. Services usually give you several options so you want to use the one for forums that looks like this


Paste it directly into your message and it should appear in the posting automatically when you hit "Submit".

If your host service only provides the url and no code around it, you can paste the url into the message, highlight it and click on the "Img" button above the typing area to put in the correct code. It should look like the above example.

Here are some straightforward instructions on posting photos using Photobucket courtesy of Steve:
Here is a step-by-step procedure for posting a photo on Reel Talk. It assumes that you have already uploaded the photo to Photobucket. A similar procedure probably is usable for other online photo sites that include links to your uploaded pics. It is also assumed that you're using IE or Firefox with a Windows OS.

It's probably more convenient to have your "Post a new topic" or "Post a reply" page open on one browser tab, while your Photobucket album is open on another.

1. Open the Photobucket album where the photo is stored, and thumbnails of all the photos should be visible. Under each, 3 choices for links are available (#1, below).
2. Left-click on IMG under the photo you want to post. The URL box will turn blue (#2, below).
3. Right-click on the URL box, and a menu should appear.
4. Select COPY.

5. Go back to your "Post a new topic" or "Post a reply" box and right-click within it.
6. Select PASTE from the menu that appears.
7. The URL of the photo should now be in the Reply box. To make sure the link works, click the PREVIEW button below the box, then scroll up to see if the photo appears in the Preview window.
8. If you want to add text, return to the "Post" box and type it above or below the photo link.
9. Check again with the PREVIEW button to be sure the text and photo will appear correctly.
10. Once you're satisfied that your reply will be posted properly, click on the SUBMIT button.
Last edited by Brian F. on Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Ron Mc »

I recommend resizing photos down to 400 to 600 pixels wide. This controls how wide they will be on the computer screen. Save them with a new name so you don't erase the high-res originals.

I've run into some limitations with bit size on in the ORCA photo repository. Resaving the photos to a "lower quality" per Photo Shop or PhotoImpact will bring bring bit resolution and file size down to where the Picture Repository will accept them.

What I think is easier, is saving files to an online photo server such as Of course, my allotted space is about full there...

nope, they raised the free storage allotment to 1Gb - can't possibly use all that.
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by jim fritz »

how do i get the pics from photobucket to this site? 41 year old computer virgin! HELP PLEASE!
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john elder
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by john elder »

Once you're in photobucket, go to the pic you want to put on the board. just below the pic, there's a box that has 4 forms of address for the on the 4th form and it will say "copied"...then go to the message window on Reel talk and "paste" the pic in the message window...when you "submit" the message, the pic will come up in the post. You may have to "size" the pic in photobucket. If it's too big when you post it, you can go back to the pic in photobucket and re-size it. It will change to smaller in the need to re-post it!
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by Brian F. »

Board minders recently helped fix a photo posting problem and, after checking back at one other user that had problems with posting photos, I'm pretty sure this has been the problem for others.

If other users also cannot post photos, even after highlighting the photo address and clicking on the "IMG" button, be sure to check your posting settings below you message panel. The "Enable BBCode" button should be clicked to "Yes". You can also set it as a default. Go to "User Control Panel", click on "Edit Posting Defaults" and click on the "Enable BBCode by default" button "Yes".

If your settings are set to "No", you will not be able to use code in your messages. "BBCode" is the code in brackets that this board and others use to do things like add highlighted, bold, italic text or add other special inserts like smileys and photos.
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by Brian F. »

Maybe someday someone can help us do a video of how to add photos for this board also:
And Paul M. has done one for ORCA. Thanks, Paul! Photo Posting Video
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by Pikemaner »

Does Google Piccaso work as a third party host?
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by Brian F. »

Sorry, not familiar with that but maybe someone else here is. Have not heard of anyone using it, though maybe just not paying attention. I took a quick look and see that you upload photos so I would assume you could get a url address from the images you store?
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john elder
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by john elder »

I just went to my picasa album, which I had forgotten I have...and you can send people to your album for a look at a pic or pics there by just copying the url for the page at the top: ... 7430099906

but I didn't see a way to retrieve a url for an individual pic...I'll go back and nose around again, but not promising...but this will work...just would rather be able to put the pic right in the window

I do see that you can, on the right side of an individual pic, go to "get link" and by that, you can copy a link that will just allow the viewer to see the pic you want them to, rather than the whole album: ... directlink
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by nomdeplume57 »

This is one way to do it and works with Firefox ,I will check for explorer and edit accordingly.

Right click on pic wherever it is on the internet ( a drop down box will appear) then select [copy image location] (Here is a pic of Johns picture on picasa to go by.)


this will save it to your system by default and then come back here and then select Image

It will put this bracket in your post screen

and then right click again(a drop down box will appear) and click paste. Your system will put that pic in the brackets you just clicked on img .
Then click submit at bottom of page and you got the PICTURE :D

Last edited by nomdeplume57 on Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by nomdeplume57 »

IE 8 is a pain as you have to source the code from the right click then scroll to the name of pic. file with jpeg extension then copy that and put it in img brackets .
This is the source for the pic above ... utboxB.jpg
Here is the image posted in the image bracket

I HATE EXPLORER and have removed it from all my computers except this new one here .THe old explorer will copy the properties link and work but not the new stufff.
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john elder
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by john elder »

thanks for the great adds, Henry! I don't have a right clicker on this Mac, but think I can do similar with the control button. Also, I was surprised by your hitting the img button BEFORE downloading the url! I have always done it the other way, but can't say I've had much luck using that route...think in that case, you have to highlight the url before hitting the img button.
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by nomdeplume57 »

Well there are many ways to do this and I am going to get explorfer to work too.

just have to get the setting right in the feature box.
Firefox is what I pretty much use exclusively .
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john elder
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by john elder »

Ha! So, on the Mac (using Safari, if that matters), you hold the control button and click on the pic and a drop-down menu gives you the option to "copy picture address" that...come here...pull a Henry and click on the img button, then "paste" address and it will land in the middle of the img code and show up with you hit "submit".

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Re: Adding Photos

Post by nomdeplume57 »

I left out the (Dropdown box info in the above post and will go edit that ,Thanks John)
Every Browser has it's own features and you just have to find those that will work for you and basically this will work in posting pix. here .
I generally stumble through and am able to do so and if I can anybody can .
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Re: Adding Photos

Post by nomdeplume57 »

Pikemaner wrote:Does Google Piccaso work as a third party host?
To answer your question after all the above stuff (Yes) . :D
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