Email Addresses in Your Posts or Signature

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Brian F.
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Posts: 3553
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 1:23 am
Location: Hilo, Hawaii

Email Addresses in Your Posts or Signature

Post by Brian F. »

Warning: Do not include your email addresses into posts or your signature lines.

The automated spambots which constantly troll through our forum (and others) will find it and use it for unauthorized purposes, including possibly hacking your Reel Talk account and editing your old posts to fill it with spam. Not only is that a problem for you but the forum may lose useful information that you worked so hard to put up. A few compromised member accounts have already been found but have been corrected, thanks to our great web admin help.

If you really want people to email you, remember that we have added an "email" button that allows users to contact you via email in a more secure manner. If you do not see the "email" button at the bottom of each of your posts, it means that you did not allow emailing in your board preferences but that can be changed. (Check/change your settings)

Just a warning about using the email button. Please note that your "email" will not go directly to the intended recipient but through the webmaster address. Members will see your email address to reply to. This is purely for the forum's and your security. You can always send your email address this way or using a Private Message (PM).
Last edited by kyreels on Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: corrected, we need to update to allow reply