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David Lehmann
Advanced Board Poster
Posts: 322
Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:32 pm
Location: Rochester, NY

Help Us Help You Please

Post by David Lehmann »

Reel Talk, ORCAOnline, Fishing Reel Research, Bronson Reels, Ocean City Reels are just some of the valuable online resources brought to you, free of charge, by the Old Reel Collectors Association (ORCA). If you are an ORCA Member, you receive The Reel News, the leading information source about antique and collectible reels, as well as affordable shows and conventions at a low fee. And, ORCA is in the process of making electronic copies of well over 1,000 vintage fishing tackle catalogs and schematics available to all members, at no additional charge.

But ORCA needs your help! ORCA is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting valuable information about reels. All of the resources that we provide to members and non-members cost money: printers fees, author honorariums, web-hosting fees, storage fees, supplies and space rental fees, and the list goes on. ORCA members’ fees help cover the cost of providing services to you, but we also rely upon the generosity of members and non-members who value the information and services we provide.

Can you, members and non-members, donate to help ORCA recover some of the costs of services we provide? An easy way to donate money is to go to Also, we love to receive nice reels that we can auction to support ORCA. If you have reels you are willing to donate, please drop us a line at about the reels, and we will contact you about arrangements. All donations of money and reels are tax deductible.

If you like antique and collectible reels, and you are not a member of ORCA, please consider joining. It’s a great value, and you will be helping to support the hobby you love!
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