2018 ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

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David Lehmann
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2018 ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by David Lehmann »

The ORCA convention is looking to be a big one. The host hotel (Clarian) is completely filled and we exceeded our held block. The spillover hotel is Quality Inn, less than a mile away. The phone number 92 520-979-3321. They still have 20 rooms available, ranging in cost from $102 to $119 night. Book quickly! Staying at the spillover, you can still participate in all events occurring at the host hotel, including setting up and participating in the group "room trading" in the ballroom. If you have questions, please call David Lehmann at 281-757-5054.
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Brian F.
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by Brian F. »

Hi Dave,
Fantastic that there will be a good crowd. Is the "group 'room trading' in the ballroom" what's referred to in the flyer as the "Reel Saloon"? I understand it's a new thing but can you elaborate on how that will work?
Brian F.

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David Lehmann
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by David Lehmann »

Thanks! Yes, instead of room trading, we plan to make use of the ballroom for the entire convention. That way people can set up once and not have to mess around with moving everything Saturday morning. Also, everybody will be set up in the same location, so it makes it more social. ORCA is sponsoring beer, soft drinks and snacks (as part of the show registration cost) on Thursday night, and that's the official "saloon". We will also have interest group social meetings ("Friends of . . .") for a slew of different reel manufacturers and styles in the ballroom, that registrants can wander between on Thursday night. So it's going to be a party and educational event all rolled into one--with lots and lots of great reels!
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by Mike N »

David Lehmann wrote:Brian,
Thanks! Yes, instead of room trading, we plan to make use of the ballroom for the entire convention. That way people can set up once and not have to mess around with moving everything Saturday morning. Also, everybody will be set up in the same location, so it makes it more social. ORCA is sponsoring beer, soft drinks and snacks (as part of the show registration cost) on Thursday night, and that's the official "saloon". We will also have interest group social meetings ("Friends of . . .") for a slew of different reel manufacturers and styles in the ballroom, that registrants can wander between on Thursday night. So it's going to be a party and educational event all rolled into one--with lots and lots of great reels!
I honestly like the casualness and friendliness of in-room trading. Is it prohibited by the Clarion?

Mike N
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by wrong99 »

"In-room trading" is one of the great traditions of any show or convention.
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by Steve »

Casualness, friendliness, tradition are all fine, but if you have a single room, you're either trapped in it or you're out and about without the ability to display your wares. (Not to mention that you have to make your bed, load it with "wares" and clear it to sleep. Zzzzz)

Steve Vernon
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by john elder »

And for those bringing spouses, most are not all that thrilled about a passel of strange men in funny hats traipsing through their room! My guess is that we can probably use both options, but people in the other hotel really need some place like the hall so they can be in the mix, MHO

Oh, and I understand Nogay will have an open bar in his room :D
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by arley »

Which room is nogay in? I like mine shaken not stirred.
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Re: ORCA Convention Spillover Hotel

Post by Mike N »

john elder wrote:...
And for those bringing spouses, most are not all that thrilled about a passel of strange men in funny hats traipsing through their room! My guess is that we can probably use both options, but people in the other hotel really need some place like the hall so they can be in the mix, MHO

Oh, and I understand Nogay will have an open bar in his room :D
The answer, of course, is to let those moths out of your wallets and book two rooms. As for the open bar, I’m in training for the casting tournament.

By the way, Dr. E will be providing over night security in the show room for those that set up early. Those retired guys sleep during the afternoon anyway.

Mike N
Mike N.
ORCA Founder, 1990
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