Hey, Tom. Yes, cats are stocked in all our waters here, and the ones I've run into while bass fishing are up to about 10lbs. Certainly there are larger ones here and there. Wish they were better tasting here, at least the big ones I tend to catch while lure fishing for bass. They have a strong muddy weedy flavor. Perhaps the young ones would be better.
And thanks for the warning on the spines. I've not been stuck by a spine yet! Although I had been once upon a time and that has left the appropriate memories.

Again, they are pretty mellow critters by the time I can wrassle them down. The dorsal barb is pressed down on the one above (and below). If the cat is big enough, the spine is back far enough.

I definitely respect those spines as I decide how best to handle them, despite the big hole in my waders there.

I'm most concerned about having one puncture my boat so I'm darn careful at boatside.
That's an A/G Cardinal 3 I bought new in the mid 80's, and a 1981 Skyline rod. I've probably got more miles on that rig than any other, sporting its second set of guides. It's still almost always in the boat with me. Kinda wish I'd bought the 4 too, but I had/have the Zebco.