ORCA 2020 National Virtual Show Preparation

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ORCA 2020 National Virtual Show Preparation

Post by kyreels »

As you may start noticing, the ORCA board is working to prepare for the Virtual National Show. As part of the preparation, you will see that we are creating a special Reel Talk Forum dedicated to the 2020 Virtual Show. It has a place for members to post their National Displays in an online show and tell format, and has a place for members to post tackle for sale during the National Show period. We do realize that anyone can post tackle for sale at any time, but we are hoping this virtual show focus brings attention to your tackle and give an opportunity for people to schedule the time to buy and sell online here. In any event, we are trying it out and we hope everyone will participate. The Virtual Show Forum will be LOCKED for posting until the week of the show. But we will be posting announcements and instructions there, so you may see some posts before that.

You will start to see us posting the Virtual Seminar schedule soon. We are wrapping up some details and should be finished this week. We will post the Seminar Schedule here and at orcaonline.org in the Conventions section (not sure how the word Convention was chosen, think that they are all Shows, whether virtual or physical).

You will need to use Google Meet to attend the Seminars. You do not have to download any special software unless you are using an outdated browser. Many people are surprised to learn that they are running outdated browser software, which is not secure nor recommended. Google Meet supports the last few versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and IE. Google Meet has limited support in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, and Microsoft Edge provides a better Meet experience. If you want to use Internet Explorer for Meet, you need to download and install the latest version of the Google Video Support plugin. Go to https://support.google.com/meet/answer/ ... ic=7306097 for more information.

You do NOT need a Google account to participate in our Seminars, unless you are a moderator. You do NOT need a camera and microphone to participate, but then again, if you don't have that equipment you cannot ask questions and we cannot see you. It is kind of like hanging at the back of the room during a Seminar. If you do have a camera and microphone, and are not used to using it, please learn how to mute and unmute and how to use your equipment. You can actually practice with the software all by yourself, just go to meet.google.com and press the New Meeting + Start an Instant Meeting. You will see and hear how your software is working. Please don't wait until the day or hour of the Seminar to try it. You can post any questions here. Remember that regardless of your technical knowledge, if you can participate in Reel Talk, you can just as easily participate in all online seminars and events. You just may have to update your browser, which you really should do for many other reasons.

Having said all that, we really encourage everyone to participate in the Virtual National Show. If you are not a member, this is a good time to join ORCA as a full member. Only members are allowed to fully participate in all events. The world has changed with Covid-19, and we all need to continue to meet and socialize, but we need to find ways to do so safely. We hope this method will help us be successful in that.
Matt Wickham
Collector of Casting Weights, KY Reels and KY Tackle
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