I was asked by Richard Lodge, Editor of the Reel News, to post this:
To ORCA Members,
I made an error on the ballot that's included in the printed copy of the March 2020 Reel News, inadvertently dropping Vice President Matt Wickham's name and the offices each person is running for.
On this corrected ballot you will find the names of three people running for office -- Ron Gast for President, Matt Wickham for Vice-President and Roger Schulz for Secretary-Treasurer -- as well as my name for Editor.
I'm asking Reel Talk readers who are ORCA members to print a copy of this ballot and physically mail or email your votes to Secretary Roger Schulz by April 15.
For Roger's email and mailing address, please refer to your Membership Roster or any copy of the Reel News.
Thank you!
Richard Lodge
Correction to 2021 Ballot for Election of Officers
Correction to 2021 Ballot for Election of Officers
Brian F.
ORCA Member 1997
Got a spare reel stamped "Pflueger" or a Montague Imperial?
"Caution, objects in reel view mirror are older than they appear."
Brian F.
ORCA Member 1997
Got a spare reel stamped "Pflueger" or a Montague Imperial?
"Caution, objects in reel view mirror are older than they appear."