What have you found during an outdoor adventure?

Someplace just to show that reel collectors do have a life
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What have you found during an outdoor adventure?

Post by Shellbelly »

Have you found, or come across something unique while you were out fishing, hunting, hiking? Something unexpected. Did you find it worthy as an addition or enhancement to your collections? Maybe it was a good photo opportunity for you, your group, or your quarry and gear. Or it provided an opportunity to have some fun and be a part of the story. Here are a few pleasant surprises I've stumbled on while beach combing. I have TONS of shells and wood. I'll spare you from most of that.

A cool squatty bottle.

Bottle in wicker.

Shell casings and slugs. The Matagorda off shore area was a bombing and gunnery range during WWII. Remnants of the air strip are on the West Peninsula, across the bay from Port O'Connor.

Hand made brick. Made from sand, shell, and wood ash. Very old thing according to the folks at UT.

Just a fun picture opportunity that pops up out of nowhere after a storm. Who can resist that? We would see this come up from time to time. Then it would get covered. Notice there are no barnacles.
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Re: What have you found during an outdoor adventure?

Post by RAM »

You have an advantage on we creek fishermen strolling the beach. No telling what will wash up. But here’s one. Couldn’t put it in my collection though:

While beating my way through nearly impenetrable rhododendron bushes with a fly rod in hand trying to get to the next pool on the tiny West Prong of the Little River (GSMNP) where no trails exist, only forest, I found (this is true) the remains of a Model A Ford! People think of the Park as all wilderness but much of it was deforested at one time. Apparently some doofus tried to get up a washed out out and grown over logging road, got tangled up, and, after great effort, finally figured it was not worth saving and left it. Likely in the late 20s. Can’t get much weirder than that while fishing a little trout stream!

Bad Bob
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Re: What have you found during an outdoor adventure?

Post by Shellbelly »

I think this is/was a pick up truck. You can make out a fender that puts this wreck in the 20's. It wasn't uncommon for locals to keep these and later vehicles running just for beach travel well into the late 60's. We had a '29 Ford until 71 or 72. I need to find that picture.

Generations have probably lost terminal tackle on this thing.

I also wander around central TX lakes and rivers doing almost exactly what you describe. Most lakes here are flood control impoundments so the farming residents and some small communities had to move. Many old things were left behind.

I have to add that this is a good thing to fish around when it's well covered by water. Sheepshead love to gnaw on encrusted things and will then attract reds. SO I drove a stake at the dune line to mark it. Yes, we do that.
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